On the last day of Warwick's trial, the Farthings' factory is bombed, Penny's parents disappear, and Penny and her brother, Nic, receive a ransom note demanding all of their Augmentation research if they want to see their parents again. Is someone trying to destroy the Farthings... or is the motive more sinister?
Desperate to reunite their family and rescue their research, Penny and her brother recruit fiery baker Violet Nesselrode, gentleman-about-town Sebastian Stirling, and Marcus Kingsley, a young army general who has his own reasons for wanting to lift the veil between this world and the next. Wagers are placed, friends are lost, romance stages an ambush, and time is running out for the girl with the clockwork heart.
"I can't see where I'm going if I only look where I've been"
Due to a hereditary heart condition and a fatal accident, Penny's heart stops working - that's is until Dr. Calvin Warwick installs a brass Ticker that works as a windup heart. Penny's the first person with a Ticker. All of Calvin's attempts of a Clockwork heart had never worked before and he couldn't seem to get it right, killing everyone as he tried to improve a Ticker for Penny. The book starts on the day of Warwick's trail - the same day the Farthings' factory blows up, their house is broken into, and their parents kidnapped.
After receiving a random note demanding all of their Augmentation research, Penny, Nic and there friends team up with Marcus to save their parents and stop Calvin before it's to late.
First of all just stop and look at that cover... how gorgeous is that? I read Lisa's "Theatre Illuminata" books back in 2013 so when I heard about this book I was so excited. I love Lisa's work so much and I've never read steampunk before so this was new to me. Penny was a character you can adore and relate to. I didn't really like Nic, he didn't seem very brotherly sometimes and he seemed emotionally abusive and wasn't ever that nice to Violet (who is his girlfriend). He'd blame his misery on everyone else. Other than that, I love this book so much!! I wanted something to happen between Marcus and Penny the whole time and then it finally happened, but I didn't feel like it was enough. I wanted more cuteness!! I loved the RiPAs, I kind of wish I had one. I didn't expect the thing with Seb and still don't know how I feel about him anymore because of it. Over all, I loved this book so much. It had all the action you could ask for. I don't know how some people couldn't get through it, I thought it was beautifully written and amazingly detailed. It had me flipping through the pages wanting to find out what happens next. This was just as good as the "Theatre Illuminata" books. I always look forward to reading Lisa's work and highly recommend her books!!!
Where to buy Ticker
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